วันพุธที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2561

About CAI

        I have learned about Adobe Captivate 8 that I use it to construct CAI. It has the important tool to construct the lesson. As shown in the image below, an attractive Toolbar panel has been introduced in Adobe Captivate 8. A Down Arrow adjacent to the Toolbar icon indicates the optional list of items under it.

This is the important toolbar in Adobe Captivate 8
🍁Text ⇒add some texts
🍍Media ⇒add pictures, sounds, VDO, animation


วันอังคารที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2561

Three Phases of CALL


There are 3 phases of CALL

1. Behavioristic CALL is the first phase of CALL. It was based on the model of computer as tutor. Most of CALL programs in this phase entailed repetitive language drill and practice activities. In other words, computer was seen as a medium to deliver instructional materials to learners. PLATO system, which included vocabulary drills, short grammar explanations and drills, and translation exercises, is a good example for this phase.

2. Communicative CALL is the second phase which gained importance in the 1970s. It focuses on authentic communication and use of forms rather than the forms themselves.
    3 different CALL models were used for communicative activities: computer as tutor, computer as tool and computer as stimulus.

3. The third phase is called Integrative CALL. It was developed in an effort to address some criticisms of the communicative approach by both integrating the teaching of four language skills.
In this phase, the computer serves as tool, in which the computer does not provide learning material, but empowers users to actually use language.

Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language Teaching in Teaching in Thailand : Overview


           In Thailand, Computer assisted language teaching has been gradually adopted in language classrooms with the hope to improve the English language learning achievement.

👿Three phases of CALL

↷Behavioristic CALL
↷Communicative CALL
↷Integrative CALL

👾Advantages of CALL in Language Learning

↳the use of CALL to support in language learning provides students with the authenticity of the input.
↳CALL helps encourage foreign language learners to produce comprehensible output.
↳the use of CALL in language classroom basically help improve students' self-concept and master of basic language skills
↳CALL is able to provide learners with the kinds of information and support that they require to complete individual task.
↳CALL can be used to promote by antonomous learning.

👿Disadvantages of CALL in Language Learning

↝Given that the limited exposure to the target language input produced by native speakers might be compensated by the presence of the Thai teachers in an English classroom.
↝CALL might not be fully affordable and available to all institutions because of the relatively high cost of appropriate computer computer technology and efficient network system in class.

👻Educational CALL Program and ELT in Thailand

⇹With the arrival of the internet, the computer has been transformed from a tool for information procession and display to a tool for information processing and communication both in the society and in the classroom.


The Elements of CAI

👯Style                       🔉Sounds                            ▰Pictures
  ✧Front                          ♩Voice                            🌟Animation
  ✧Size                            ♩Music                            🔵Hypermedia or Hyper graphic
  ✧Color                         ♩Sound Effect

🔷🔶The elements for CAI lesson🔶🔷
1. Title
2. Instruction
3. Objective
4. Main Menu
5. Pre-Test
6. Information
7. Post-Test
8. Summary-Application


A Principle to Design of Computer Assisted Instruction


CAI design process.

There are 7 steps.
 ◆  1. Preparation
 ◇  2. Design Instruction
 ◆  3. Flowchart Lesson
 ◇  4. Create Storyboard
 ◆  5. Program Lesson
 ◇  6. Produce Supporting Materials
 ◆  7. Evaluate and Revise

Screen design of lesson.

👱  Resolution of the monitor
👱 Using color
👱 The layout of the screen




            Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place.

Types of CAI

1. Drill-and-practice Drill and practice provide opportunities or students to repeatedly practice the skills that have previously been presented and that further practice is necessary for mastery.
2. Tutorial Tutorial activity includes both the presentation of information and its extension into different forms of work, including drill and practice, games and simulation.
3. Games Game software often creates a contest to achieve the highest score and either beat others or beat the computer.
4. Simulation Simulation software can provide an approximation of reality that does not require the expense of real life or its risks.
5. Discovery Discovery approach provides a large database of information specific to a course or content area and challenges the learner to analyze, compare, infer and evaluate based on their explorations of the data.
6. Problem Solving This approach helps children develop specific problem solving skills and strategies.

Advantages of CAI

⌬one-to-one interaction.
⌬great motivator.
⌬freedom to experiment with different options.
⌬multimedia helps to understand difficult concepts through multi sensory approach.
⌬self directed learning – students can decide when, where, and what to learn.

Disadvantages of CAI

⏩ may feel overwhelmed by the information and resources available.
⏩ over use of multimedia may divert the attention from the content.
⏩ learning becomes too mechanical.
⏩ non availability of good CAI packages.
⏩ lack of infrastructure.


Corpus for Classrooms: Ideas for Material Design


Corpora can be integrated in language classrooms to teach students of various levels.

Corpus-based Activities and Ideas for Material Design.

😃Elementary student: Collocations: make/do

👼 Verb pairing game
👼 Computer cloze activity
👼 Screen shot analysis

😃 Intermediate students: Modal verbs

💫 Contextual Analysis
💫 Cloze activities
💫 Spot the error activity
💫 Multiple-choices
💫 Express yourself

😃 Upper intermediate students: Phrasal verbs

 👼 Cloze activity

😃 Advanced students: Idiomatic Expression:

💫 Concordance Analysis
💫  Pragmatics: Situation analysis

         Although using corpora in language teaching is challenging, it has a big potential in EFL classroom. If teacher are trained on how to design suitable corpus-based tasks, they can help their students get exposed to broader framework of how English used for communication by native speaker.


Modal Auxiliary in British English: A Corpus-Based Study of Modality Through British National Corpus

         BNCweb is a web-based client program for searching and retrieving lexical, grammatical and textual data from the British National Corpus (BNC).


BNCweb will be specifically applied through chosen modal verb in order to:
   💙Shed some light on modal verb of which meanings are difficult to make distinction on theoretical background.
   💚Affirm that modalities can be interchangeable due to different contexts, such as gender, type of data, perceived level of difficulty and etc.

😐 Methods

    Three modal verbs ("should", "have to" and "must") will be scrutinized by available functions ("distribution", "collocation" and "concordance") via BNCweb in order to offer empirical information, such as grammatical usage and discursive practice, of modalities in British context. Details of methodology in each function will be subsequently explained in results and discussion section.


Using Corpus Analysis software to analyze specialized texts


🌐What is Corpus?

A corpus is a collection of naturally-occurring texts in a computer-readable format which can be retrieved and analyzed using corpus analysis software.

🌍Sources of language corpora

- the British National Corpus (BNC)
- http://www.arts.chula.ac.th
- Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)

🌎Sources of specialized texts.

↪ Printed materials software
↪ Word document texts
↪ Texts on the Web
↪ Online databases

😕Getting started with Antconc.

Download the latest version of Antconc.
1. Run the program.
2. Open Files (browse and select targeted files) or Open Dir (to select targeted folder).
3. Choose the function.
4. Clear All Tools and Files before selecting opening new files.
5. Save Output to Texts File to save output e.g. concordance lines.



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